




Imagine being the gays at a pride event in 2004 living their lives when someone grabs the microphone and announces to the room that Ronald Reagan was pronounced dead. Can you even imagine the hype, the celebration, the pure elation

hey go fuck yourself

Oh so now the Columbine fanblog with an Annoying Orange icon is gonna preach to me, huh

tumblr is a website made entirely of glass houses through which people are constantly throwing stones

Dang! Quit before I could block him.
Reagan was truly a piece of shit.




It is funny that Hitlers last moments of life were pure misery and terror before he blew his own brains out, it is funny that Luis Carrero Blanco was blown up by a bomb so powerful it sent his car flying over a 3 story building, it is funny that Ronald Reagan got shot and that his wound led to health complications that plagued him for the rest of his vile life, it is funny that Margaret Thatcher lived in constant fear of assassination by the IRA, it is funny that Mussolini ended life looking like a prized ham in the deli section, and it is funny that Trump might die from covid.

America is the least educated country in the world when it comes to American history

For any of my followers who may genuinely have this question:

Gay people know Reagan as the president who laughed at AIDS and did nothing because “all the right people” (aka us gay people) were dying from it.

Reagan is the president under whose auspices the incarceration rate of Black people on drug charges ballooned to caricaturishly high levels.

Reagan is the president that abolished the air traffic controllers’ union.

Reagan is the president who espoused the flawed “trickle down economics” theory, cut federal funding for state welfare programmes by 80%, froze the federal minimum wage while taxes and costs skyrocketed, and established the capital gains tax cuts that set our corporate feudal state into motion.

Reagan is the president who gutted federal assistance programmes, purging the Social Security disability rolls, and caused my own grandfather to die because he could no longer afford to buy both food and medicine.

Then of course, there’s the Iran-Contra Affair, Star Wars (not the film, but the space based missile platform), school prayer, blah blah blah

But American History textbooks only remember him for “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” treating him like he alone was the force that united East and West Germany and brought the Soviet Union to its knees.

Yeah, like Soviet incompetence had nothing to do with the fall of the Soviet Union.