
Famed editorial cartoonist Herbert Lawrence Block’s classic criticism of the economic strategies of the Reagan administration, published on Feb. 2, 1984.

The fact that such a stark cartoon remains poignant over 30 years later isn’t surprising in the least. But the immediate relevance of the scenario it depicts to current affairs is.


You think it’s been 15 years because that’s how long you’ve been aware of it. It really goes back to 1980 and Ronald Reagan declaring government is bad.  Greed is good. Breaking up the unions. The privatization of government services. Corporations being redefined as “job creators”.  A 16% mortgage rate.  College becoming so expensive people are forced into the service to pay for it.  I mean, in the 1950s the government built the highway system and brought electricity to rural areas because it was best for everybody.  In the 1980s it became what’s best for corporations? / rant





Look at this, and remember it next time someone says that the gay community survived the AIDS epidemic.

We didn’t survive, we started over. We lost all but an entire generation.

This is what “we survived Reagan, you’ll survive Trump” looks like. No, we didn’t.

Reagan was a fucker.