


Every time a racist gets mad when talking about the Civil War you just gotta make your name for it longer and more truthful

Oh, you call it the “War for Southern Independence”? How about the Great Union Victory? The Yankee Triumph? The War of Southern Aggression in Defense of Slavery? The War of What W.E.B. DuBois Called White Southern Moral Cowardice, Fought and Lost by Weak Men and Traitors?

You dont have to suck Yankees off that much lmao its not so black and white

I’m sorry are you upset about something I said concerning the War Where All The Southerners Had Little Dicks And Cried Like Babies When They Got Their Asses Kicked (1861-1865)


“You say you are fighting for liberty. Yes you are fighting for liberty: liberty to keep four millions of your fellow-beings in ignorance and degradation;–liberty to separate parents and children, husband and wife, brother and sister;–liberty to steal the products of their labor, exacted with many a cruel lash and bitter tear;–liberty to seduce their wives and daughters, and to sell your own children into bondage;–liberty to kill these children with impunity, when the murder cannot be proven by one of pure white blood. This is the kind of liberty–the liberty to do wrong–which Satan, Chief of the fallen Angels, was contending for when he was cast into Hell.” – Gen. David Hunter, letter to Jefferson Davis, 1863

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.  

If you want a fun read, look up what happened when the KKK tried to hold a rally in 1924 in South Bend, Indiana; home of the Catholic Notre Dame College


Klan members were used to breezing into towns without incident. Here, they were immediately confronted by young, ornery college kids proud of their Catholicism. Klansmen were led into alleys and tossed into walls; students who played for the school’s legendary football squad formed wedges, the offensive line-ups found on the field, and plowed into groups of Klan members like they were challenging for a state title.

Fuck yeah!

The whole article is well worth a read, so please, check it out!

And on that note, fuck the KKK, fuck racist pieces of shit, fuck white supremacists, fuck racists, and fuck anyone trying to play centrist by claiming “but muh heritage”. 

I’ll leave you with this quote at the end of the article, just to further cement my sentiment.

Although the Klan maintained an aura of strength for several more years, the conviction of [Indiana’s Grand Dragon David Curtiss] Stephenson for raping and murdering a woman in November 1925 extinguished one of their most enthusiastic leaders


How it went for the Threepers and their other racist pals in Stone Mountain, GA. today: a photo essay. 

It was hard to keep count, but we think like six confederate flags got burned today.  At one point, someone lit a confederate flag on fire using the flames from an already-burning confederate flag.

Save this for the next time some shitbag says “see what happens when you bring your antifa shit to the South!” or “you won’t be so tough when the patriot militia comes for you!”

 Threepers are cancer.


How it went for the Threepers and their other racist pals in Stone Mountain, GA. today: a photo essay. 

It was hard to keep count, but we think like six confederate flags got burned today.  At one point, someone lit a confederate flag on fire using the flames from an already-burning confederate flag.

Save this for the next time some shitbag says “see what happens when you bring your antifa shit to the South!” or “you won’t be so tough when the patriot militia comes for you!”

 Threepers are cancer.