The Militias Sealed Their Own Fate

The Militias Sealed Their Own Fate

PLEASE Stop Calling Boogaloo Bois, Patriot Prayer, Etc. ‘Militias’

PLEASE Stop Calling Boogaloo Bois, Patriot Prayer, Etc. ‘Militias’

Remove the White Supremacists








Dear Tumblr @staff

In light of the recent white supremacist terror attacks worldwide: 

We, the Tumblr community (your community), implore you to change your previously passive policy against white supremacy and white nationalist extremist ideologies. 

Every major news station, social expert, and experts on extremist ideologies have identified that these extremist ideologies are spread and grown on online platforms: specifically social platforms. They have identified the major ways that communities can confront these violent extremist views; the biggest one being for social media groups to actually start removing user accounts that post and spread extremist white nationalist dog whistles, memes, and rhetoric.

Your users are begging for your help in stemming the rising tide of xenophobic violence. As has become evident by the recent terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, these ideologies don’t begin with violence, but with strategically spouted rhetoric and hate speech that riles up others who are vulnerable to being persuaded by their subtle methods. 

If you support the safety of your users. 
If you support the Muslim Community.
If you support the Jewish Community. 
If you support People of Color. 
If you support your users regardless of color or religious background. 

Then it’s time to start taking a proactive stance against extremist white supremacist and nationalist ideologies and remove them. 

The signatures and reblogs below should serve to show you how strongly your userbase feels about this. We all stand for a world without Hate. Do you?

@staff @support



@staff @support


@staff @support

@staff @support