If you want a fun read, look up what happened when the KKK tried to hold a rally in 1924 in South Bend, Indiana; home of the Catholic Notre Dame College


Klan members were used to breezing into towns without incident. Here, they were immediately confronted by young, ornery college kids proud of their Catholicism. Klansmen were led into alleys and tossed into walls; students who played for the school’s legendary football squad formed wedges, the offensive line-ups found on the field, and plowed into groups of Klan members like they were challenging for a state title.


Fuck yeah!

The whole article is well worth a read, so please, check it out!

And on that note, fuck the KKK, fuck racist pieces of shit, fuck white supremacists, fuck racists, and fuck anyone trying to play centrist by claiming “but muh heritage”. 

I’ll leave you with this quote at the end of the article, just to further cement my sentiment.

Although the Klan maintained an aura of strength for several more years, the conviction of [Indiana’s Grand Dragon David Curtiss] Stephenson for raping and murdering a woman in November 1925 extinguished one of their most enthusiastic leaders