

водочный автомат

Russian vodka dispenser machine. 

The dialog is even more hilarious

I’m going to show you. Here we have a secret compartment for the

What are those keys?

See, it says “Activate”, so we take out the key…

on display>: insert the access key

Now we can turn on the lights

Lights, Ok

Now we can dial how much we want to drink. We can drink either 25
grams, 37,5 or we can take 50. Let’s set for 25, for 3 person. So 3
warheads, 25 megaton each, and press “START”.

starts working>

Look how neatly it works

voice>: Mission complete, missiles away

<note on display>: Warheads used – 3.
Total power – 75mt

Where did you get that thing?

We designed it ourselves

[Woman]- They designed it themselves