
How effing dare they? But of course, they do. trump and his people have figured out, yet again, the fog-horn version of the dog-whistle.

“The Biden campaign on Wednesday evening criticized [t]rump and the timing and location of next week’s rally.

”‘Do some research on #Juneteenth and the racial violence that took place in Oklahoma known as the Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921,’ Kamau Marshall, the campaign’s director of strategic communications, wrote on Twitter.“

The dog-whistling, performed by Reagan as by other Republicons, was ugly enough.

"Reagan launched his 1980 general election campaign with a speech lauding ‘states’ rights’ outside Philadelphia, Mississippi — the site of the notorious ‘Mississippi Burning’ murder of three civil rights workers in 1964.

…"James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were abducted and killed in Mississippi by the local Ku Klux Klan in June 1964 — a case that garnered enormous national attention because, as Schwerner’s widow said, he and Goodman were white.

"On August 3, 1980, Reagan traveled to the Neshoba County Fair, which a prominent state Republican had recommended as the place to find ‘George Wallace-inclined voters.’ There — within walking distance of the earthen dam where the murderers of the three civil rights workers had surreptitiously buried them just 16 years before — Reagan delivered a speech…[endorsing] ‘states’ rights’ — the same phrase white Southerners had used for decades to justify Jim Crow segregation.”

trump, seeking to kick-off his campaign covid-rally shout-ins, is choosing Tulsa? That is so far from coincidence as to be completely foul.

Reagan was a shitty human.

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