This would be a good time to remind everyone that in-custody deaths (murders) are routine and often covered up as “suicides.”


I have no reason to believe either way that Epstein was murdered but I would like to use this moment to draw attention to the thousands of people who die in custody (i.e. murdered by the state) in county jails and prisons. 

Just a few months ago in Spokane, the county jail murdered a woman named Sharona Marie Carroll-Camps.

She is the ninth person in two years to be killed by the county jail–which is located right next to the Protection and Advocacy Agency that monitors it for abuse and neglect no less! 

A Black trans woman named Layleen Cubilette-Polanco was murdered by Rikers Island  According to The Root, she is the 10th Black trans woman to be “found dead in her cell” at Rikers alone. 

And I’m sure we all remember Sandra Bland who was reportedly found hanging in her cell from an “apparent suicide.” (Yeah, right.)