
Star forts from all around the world. These fortifications became the norm after the large-scale introduction of gunpowder weaponry like cannons made castles obsolete. The fort’s design is low to the ground, minimizing it as a target, with walls consisting of stone-clad dirt slopes able to withstand cannon shot. The sharp angles of the structure also partly deflected impacts and helped break up and confound enemy attacks. 

From top to bottoms:

Fort George, Scotland.

Bourtange, the Netherlands.

Manjarabad Fort, India.

Fort of Santa Cruz de Itamaracá, Brazil .

Forte Stella Fortress, Italy.

Jaca Citadel, Spain.

Fort of San Diego, Mexico .

Krzyżtopór, Poland.

Älvsborg fortress, Sweden.

Fort Malborough, Indonesia.

Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban


Star forts from all around the world. These fortifications became the norm after the large-scale introduction of gunpowder weaponry like cannons made castles obsolete. The fort’s design is low to the ground, minimizing it as a target, with walls consisting of stone-clad dirt slopes able to withstand cannon shot. The sharp angles of the structure also partly deflected impacts and helped break up and confound enemy attacks. 

From top to bottoms:

Fort George, Scotland.

Bourtange, the Netherlands.

Manjarabad Fort, India.

Fort of Santa Cruz de Itamaracá, Brazil .

Forte Stella Fortress, Italy.

Jaca Citadel, Spain.

Fort of San Diego, Mexico .

Krzyżtopór, Poland.

Älvsborg fortress, Sweden.

Fort Malborough, Indonesia.

Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban