Thoughts on New Zealand


I read through the New Zealand shooters manifesto and it’s pretty much confirmed some attitudes I’ve been having towards white nationalism. It’s also given me some thought about my place in this country and the real danger to our society.

In case you don’t know, I’m Mexican-American. My parents immigrated here in the 1980′s and I was born in and raised an American. I never considered that people thought of me as anything less than a real American until I read up on what white nationalists think and advocate for. Naturally, you write off these people as losers who will harm no one. But in light of recent events as well as other terror attacks in the last few years by these groups, I can’t ignore the danger in our society.

These people aren’t just funny, edgy shitposters on /pol/ anymore. They have and will continue to murder innocent people for their ideology.
The shooter explicitly targeted Muslims, people he termed as “invaders”
and made no distinction between men, women, or children. I can’t ignore the fact that the shooter and people who think like he does would likely feel the same way about me living in this country and wouldn’t hesitate to take the same course of action against me and my people.

I know which side of the firing line I’m on, its time some of you figure it out as well.

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