
“You say I have the most wicked face of any woman. You say my hair is like the serpent locks of Medusa, that my eyes have the cruel cunning of Borgia, that my mouth is the mouth of the sinister scheming Delilah, that my hands are like the talons of a Circe or the blood-bathing Elizabeth Bathory. And then you ask me of my soul—you wish to know if it is reflected in my face.”
– Theda Bara


“You say I have the most wicked face of any woman. You say my hair is like the serpent locks of Medusa, that my eyes have the cruel cunning of Borgia, that my mouth is the mouth of the sinister scheming Delilah, that my hands are like the talons of a Circe or the blood-bathing Elizabeth Bathory. And then you ask me of my soul—you wish to know if it is reflected in my face.”
– Theda Bara



Pola Negri “Vendetta” 1919, de Georg Jacoby.

Blutrache’, 1919

In Corsica, Marianna Paoli’s brother is killed by an Englishman whose identity is unknown to her. She swears vengeance and tracks the killer to Monte Carlo. There she falls in love with a handsome young officer…

I’m imagining a four-color alternate history in which Marianna Paoli dons a nurse’s uniform to become Barmherzigkeitengel – a vigilante known for mercy killings of various and sundry villains.



Pola Negri “Vendetta” 1919, de Georg Jacoby.

Blutrache’, 1919

In Corsica, Marianna Paoli’s brother is killed by an Englishman whose identity is unknown to her. She swears vengeance and tracks the killer to Monte Carlo. There she falls in love with a handsome young officer…

I’m imagining a four-color alternate history in which Marianna Paoli dons a nurse’s uniform to become Barmherzigkeitengel – a vigilante known for mercy killings of various and sundry villains.