Nevada (BB-36) as she appeared in 1924. Even this early in her career,
she already differed from her original configuration. The foremost 5”
casemate guns have been removed and replaced with portholes due to the
wetness and unworkability of the gun positions, while her navigating
bridge has been enclosed and expanded. The range clock on her foremast
and the hash marks on Turrets II and III were added ca. 1919 after experience with the Grand Fleet was integrated into US Navy doctrine. 

Utah (AG-16) being torpedoed.
The attack on the fleet at Pearl Harbor lasted a little under two hours, but for Utah,
it was over in a few minutes. At 0801, soon after sailors had begun
raising the colors at the ship’s fantail, the erstwhile battleship took a
torpedo hit forward, and immediately started to list to port, then capsized.
Bottom photo is how she appears today.