
Updates on Palestine: July 1st

It’s disheartening to see entire Palestinian cities and neighborhoods laid under siege while ex-IOF talk about how beautiful the sunset is in Gaza. Be angry, because Israel is absolutely counting on the international community to look away. Organize and attend protests, let your representatives know you want Palestine to be free.

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*whistles nonchalantly *

Palestinian throws a rock. Media : “terrorism”

Israel bombs people in their homes. Media : “self defense”.

The journalist who recorded the video is Hind Hassan for Vice News. She has requested that the source is given when her footage is proliferated online. She is still on site covering the conflict and you can follow her for more information.



Forgive me if my understanding of linear time is flawed but did or did not the sacking of al-aqsa and the effort to purge Sheikh Jarrah take place before Hamas had fired a single rocket

It’s this neat rhetorical trick israel plays where they pretend like organizations such as Hamas are easily separable from the Palestinian people at large (but not enough so that killing civilians can’t be justified) so they can claim that attacks that clearly come as a response to their mistreatment of the Palestinians were “unprovoked” when in fact they are a blindingly obvious application of the principle of “an injury to one is an injury to all.”


This is a video of an Israeli filming one of the many hotel-like bomb shelters provided to them by the Israeli government that they can hide in anytime they want.

The 2 million Palestinians in Gaza who are getting bombed by Israel as I’m typing this (who also can’t leave Gaza due to Israel’s blockade) literally don’t have ONE single bomb shelter in the entire Gaza Strip, which is simultaneously considered by the UN to be both one of the most densely populated places and one of the most inhabitable places for humans in the world.

If any words like “both-sides,” or “conflict,” or “clashes” comes out of your mouth then fuck you.



Right-wing authoritarianism 101:

“A vote for me strikes a blow at our enemy.”

Meaning, it’s crucially important to have, or manufacture, enemies. And then kill, or harm and suppress them, with little to no hesitation. Same thing is happening here by way of our own hard-right. It’s standard anti-democratic politics.

Bully’s are always the victim.


“It’s a complicated situation” not right now it isn’t. This isn’t about decades of geopolitics. This is about 200 missiles launched against Gaza in under 10 minutes, this is about about the forced expulsion of Palestinian civilians from their homes, this is about Israel continuing to escalate their air and ground attacks against Palestinian civilians who do not have sophisticated defense protections, this is about Israel breaking international law and committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians while claiming that it is “self defense”. The world is watching genocide unfold right now and nobody is stopping it.