



@realphilosophytube , “The Philosophy of Antifa

“If you’re a political enemy of fascism though, either they lose or you die”


So true. #fascism is not interested in what you want.

They are the dregs of all societies.  They do not progress past adolescence, emotionally or intellectually.  They live in an echo chamber of hate and jesus and guns and are no longer “reachable”. 

Exterminate “with extreme prejudice”.


Mar 13 1920 Paramilitary supporters of the Kapp Putsch, wearing helmets with swastika symbols, hand out leaflets in Berlin. The Kapp Putsch was an attempted coup #OnThisDay which tried to overthrow the German Weimar Republic and establish an autocratic government in its place.

Konterrevolutionärer Kapp-Putsch vom 13.-17.3.1920 in Berlin
Mit dem Einmarsch der Marinebrigade Ehrhardt am 13. März in Berlin beginnt der Putsch. Am selben Tag wird eine Regierung unter Wolfgang Kapp und General von Lüttwitz gebildet. Unter der schwarz-weiß-roten Fahne, dam Stahlhelm das Hakenkreuz, verteilen Angehörige der Marinebrigade am 13. März Flugblätter.

English: The Coup started with the march of the Ehrhardt naval brigade on March 13 in Berlin. That day, a government under Wolfgang Kapp and General von Lüttwitz was formed. Members of the naval brigade distributed leaflets on March 13 under the black-and-white-red flag and the steel helmets with the swastika.

Accession number: Bild 183-R16976

Facists never change


Mar 13 1920 Paramilitary supporters of the Kapp Putsch, wearing helmets with swastika symbols, hand out leaflets in Berlin. The Kapp Putsch was an attempted coup #OnThisDay which tried to overthrow the German Weimar Republic and establish an autocratic government in its place.

Konterrevolutionärer Kapp-Putsch vom 13.-17.3.1920 in Berlin
Mit dem Einmarsch der Marinebrigade Ehrhardt am 13. März in Berlin beginnt der Putsch. Am selben Tag wird eine Regierung unter Wolfgang Kapp und General von Lüttwitz gebildet. Unter der schwarz-weiß-roten Fahne, dam Stahlhelm das Hakenkreuz, verteilen Angehörige der Marinebrigade am 13. März Flugblätter.

English: The Coup started with the march of the Ehrhardt naval brigade on March 13 in Berlin. That day, a government under Wolfgang Kapp and General von Lüttwitz was formed. Members of the naval brigade distributed leaflets on March 13 under the black-and-white-red flag and the steel helmets with the swastika.

Accession number: Bild 183-R16976

Facists never change

Trump’s restaurants — cockroaches and “slimy/mold-like build-up”



Do you like restaurants with “live and dead cockroaches” in the
kitchen and “slimy/mold-like build-up” in coolers and freezers? Try one
of Trump’s fine dining establishments, then. From The Daily Beast:

The comparative conditions in his own properties don’t even matter, to be honest.

What should be driving Congress to draft legislation or censure this shitty piece of crap is the fucking President of the United States of America is attacking a single small business, with the deliberate goal of destroying the business, and the American citizens who own it.

I know that we’re just starting to tune it out when he does these things, but not only is this totally beneath the office of the presidency, it’s reprehensible that the fucking PRESIDENT would attack a private business and private citizen this way.

The Donald’s is keeping his fights pertinent.